The Corporate – Government Revolving Door

Imagine you control an entire nation but only do so on $250,000 a year.  You are also in charge of giving out corporate status to businesses so they pay lower taxes and the CEOs of those businesses get first-class legal protection under your wing.  Now let us say a corporation you sanctioned wants monopoly powers over the world’s food supply and they want to push their genetically engineered products through even though some tests showed the products may be detrimental to health.  The CEO catches you off duty while you are at a luncheon, hands you $1 Million in cash money and tells you that if you take it, you need to “work some strings” to get the product through the FDA and that you guarantee him a job in the FDA by 2010.  You want many things that million dollars will buy which you could never have on your $250,000 salary so you gladly accept the money. You share a little of it with your pals in the FDA to push through this questionable produce and in 2010 you appoint your corporate “donor” a new job in the FDA at which time he allows even more questionable science through the FDA under GRAS policy (Generally Recognized As Safe – if it looks like corn, then it’s just corn).

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YouTube Censorship Runs Rampant

The word is out on the blogosphere. Hundreds of blogs are now hosting disgruntled complaints that YouTube is either demoting or outright deleting videos on their service.  While there are a few which were rightfully removed for copyright violations, many are being removed due to their politically charged messages. Even many harmless videos dealing with UFO and alien abduction conspiracy theories are being ransacked.  Such is typical of CORPORATIONS.  Let us take a look into the difference between corporate funded models and community funded models which will then lead us into the cure for censorship.

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