Genetically Engineered Foods And Morgellons Disease

People have begun experiencing increasing incidents of a disease called “Morgellons Disease” and ironically these incidents are increasing in locations throughout the world where genetically engineered foods are being raised.  Morgellons disease is a condition which causes festering sores on the skin with fiberous hair-like strands in them which are sharp and barbed, cutting the skin when pulled out of the body.  The strands are made when something goes wrong in the body’s use of proteins and the fibers are as though they are alive, being mass produced by the body.  An improperly folded protein that has faulty encoding in it’s molecular structure can  be turned “alive” by the body – misfolded and improperly encoded proteins whcih may be found in many of the genetically engineered food items finding their way to our dinner plates.

The genetic structures of all living things – animal, human and plant, is protected by specific barriers and filters which prevent breeding between unlike plants and unlike animals.  What genetic engineers are doing are using scientific instruments to bypass these barriers, allowing them to force genetic coding between species.  One experiment included the genetic splice of a spider gene into a goat so that the goat would create spider silk protein in her milk.  The spider silk protein is then used to make lightweight military armor and bullet-proof substances.

These same scientists are using TRANSGENICS such as this with our food supply as well, embedding bacteria genes into corn, for example, to make the corn plants toxic to agricultural pests.  Unfortunately, when meddling with one gene, one can cause a plant or animal’s DNA to produce other proteins which may go undetected until they begin causing diseases in those who ingest such proteins.

Morgellons disease literally fills the body with these protein strands or fibers which cause the sensation of bugs crawling under the skin, festering sores on the skin and cuts where the sufferer pulled at the fibers trying to remove them.

Large multinational corporations such as Monsanto are trying to take the dangerous science to the ultimate as well.  They want to monopolize the seed industry by placing their genetic mutations into every plant and animal so that those plants and animals may then be patented.  This will prevent people from saving seeds at harvest time for planting the following year – forcing them to purchase the high-priced genetically altered seeds directly from the corporations who are attempting to gain absolute and total control of our food supply at the expense of our safety, our health and our very lives.

To see what these protein fibers look like, be sure to visit the link at the bottom of this page. Read the page closely and have a look at the photographs and microscope slides of what these genetically-altered foods are suspected of causing to those of us who are unkowingly eating them during our meal times.

3 Responses

  1. Let me see if I’m getting this right…

    These faulty proteins are metabolized into the body, and then once deposited cause the area of the deposit to react similar to tectonic plates sliding together. Therefore, this reaction would cause a peak in the skin resulting in this “Morgellons disease”?

    • Yes eriewire that’s correct. Having done some additional research into this, I’ve found that I should have worded the title on the article a little differently. Genetically altered proteins in the food supply are causing a SIMILAR problem to Morgellons, but they aren’t sure what the cause of Morgellons disease is yet either. However, science has already discovered that it is “mis-folded proteins” which are the cause of CJD and BSE (mad cow disease/mad deer disease). Genes are the chief factories of protein synthesis and if a food is rendered incompatible with the human body through tampering with genetics, bizarre undetected NEW (novel) proteins will be replicated and utilized by the body causing a myriad of “unexplained diseases”.

      Odd how they can’t get to the bottom of Cancer or it’s rapidly increasing incidence. They feel they know enough about genetics to cross animals and plants yet they say they can’t find a cure for cancer, diabetes and various genetic problems. If they don’t understand why genes are able to assist in allowing cancer then buyer beware – they don’t truly know the long-term problems these “new novel foods” will cause in the future.

  2. Indeed.

    They have no idea what kind of biotic debacle they’re leading us into.

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